domingo, 29 de abril de 2007

Ouro sobre azul seria

Na realidade parte uma figura que está associado a momentos marcantes da historia.
parte, e eu quero acreditar que não nos deixa assim.
Cá para mim ele foi só ali. Chegam-me os ecos de uma doce conversa, alguns risos felizes até! Reconheço a voz de Fernando e o sotaque de Mstislav, meros emigrantes por vezes desprezados
, a uns meros 20 anos luz descobre-se
Explanation: The unremarkable star centered in this skyview is Gliese 581, aastronomers are now reporting the discovery of a remarkable system of three planets orbiting Gliese 581, including the most earth-like planet found beyond our solar system. Gliese 581 itself is not a sun-like star, though. Classified as a red dwarf, the star is much smaller and colder than the Sun. Still, the smallest planet known to orbit the star is estimated to be five times as massive as Earth with about 1.5 times Earth's diameter. That super-earth orbits once every 13 days, about 14 times closer to its parent star than the Earth-Sun distance. The close-in orbit around the cool star implies a mean surface temperature of between 0 and 40 degrees C - a range over which water would be liquid - and places the planet in the red dwarf's habitable zone. mere 20 light-years away toward the constellation Libra. But astronomers are now reporting the discovery of a remarkable system of three planets orbiting Gliese 581, including the most earth-like planet found beyond our solar system. Gliese 581 itself is not a sun-like star, though. Classified as a red dwarf, the star is much smaller and colder than the Sun. Still, the smallest planet known to orbit the star is estimated to be five times as massive as Earth with about 1.5 times Earth's diameter. That super-earth orbits once every 13 days, about 14 times closer to its parent star than the Earth-Sun distance. The close-in orbit around the cool star implies a mean surface temperature of between 0 and 40 degrees C - a range over which water would be liquid - and places the planet in the red dwarf's habitable zone.
Não liguem, tá?

5 comentários:

Maria Arvore disse...

São os momentos marcantes?:)
Lopes Graça foi marcante na música portuguesa e no coração de muita gente que com ele aprendeu música. Como seria marcante descobrirmos que há vida noutro planeta. Desde que não se lembrem de lá fazer condomínios de luxo. ;)

Maria disse...

O romantismo... a ideia de que ele agora é mais uma estrela no firmamento... Ai, Erecteu... adoro-te.

Maria disse...


psique disse...

ligamos pois.. beijo

Anónimo disse...

tá certo ... vou ouvir carmina

